a road or an earth dam project, earth works form a big chunk of the works. For
instance, in a road project there is need to have suitable material for fill,
sub base and base while in an earth dam the same is required for the core,
shell, blanket filter and rip rap. Ideally it would be reasonable to use the
cut material for fill however practically there is still a huge deficit. It is
therefore important to prepare a mass balance diagram (to be covered separately
on this blog) to establish your material needs. As a result the material is investigated
closest to the project area in order to reduce haulage costs. Materials
Prospecting is not an easy task, just imagine you are looking for about
100,000m3 of suitable material for a 100Km road project. It is
against this background that this article is written to help with some
practical steps to effectively investigate
materials for a project. The steps suggested have effectively worked for the
author and he hopes they also do for you.
Step 1: Estimate the Net
Volume of Earth Works Required
will use a hypothetical data of a 5km section of a road project and assume the
material being investigated is fill
Start by drawing a schematic representation of the road and indicate the material cut, volume of
fill, volume of cut materials which is suitable for fill and the net required
fill within the first 5 km, see an illustration below
0 +000
Cut Material Suitable for Fill
Fill Required
The suitability of the Cut Material for fill is established by testing
the material on the center-line of the road every 500m.
Step 2: Mark a 10Km
Radius on Google Earth or Map around your Project Area and Establish Hints for
availability of the Materials
Land Use and Vegetative Cover . Gravel is associated with shrubs and stunted growth
of crops. This can be established by using Land Use Database for Malawi
available at Land Resource Conservation Department and Google Earth
Topography. Naturally as you approach rivers in a highly hilly area there is
likelihood of finding gravel due to weathering of rocks.
if there is existing infrastructure that used materials of similar nature i.e.
existing road, earth dam etc and establish the borrow pits used previously
available Local Knowledge. Locals have an idea where gravel material can be
If there is no or insufficient gravel within the 10 km radius then draw 15 km radius and so forth.
Step 3: Resource
you set off for the field trip please plan in advance the resources you will
need for materials investigation. The resources required are as follows: Sample Bags, 4x4
Vehicle, Materials Technician, Driver, Casuals, Handheld GPS, Hoes, Shovels,
Safety Gear ( Safety Boots, helmet, gloves, mask, goggles and snake gutters),
tape, strings and notebook
article has looked at some of the important steps to bear in mind when
prospecting material for construction project. In the subsequent posts the author
will provide you with other pertinent tips on materials investigation.